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Contract Number - DMOSS R001 Defence Materiel Organisation - DMOSS Panel


Standing Offer Defence Materiel - Organisation Support Services Panel (DMOSS Panel):

Specification Detail:

Project Support - Risk Management Services.
The required services may include, but are not be limited to:

Services are provided by a professional risk manager holding tertiary qualification(s) in a relevant engineering, technical or related field and/or risk management qualification, such as Certification in Risk Management. Risk assessments are conducted in accordance with current Australian risk management standards. Services comply with Department of Defence Chief Executive Instructions (CEIs), as amended, updated or superseded from time to time.

Project Support - Measurement: Services.
The required services may include, but not be limited to:

Determining the information needs (based on the risks and issues) of the organisation/project

Services are provided by an experienced practitioner across a broad range of project and engineering specialisations that is able to apply the requirements and principles of ISO/IEC 15939 to the organisational environment. Services comply with requirements and principles of ISO/IEC 15939. Services demonstrate an understanding of risk, earned value management, technical performance measurement and scorecards.

Business Support Management – Procurement & Contract Management
Provide procurement and contract management services including activities related with the planning and conducting of procurement and contracting activities. This skill set does not include the provision of legal advice or legal process which is sourced from the Defence Legal Panels.

All services above are provided in accordance with Contract.