Don't Risk it
Our Business is identifying your business risk. Whether you are working in Government or the private sector, in procurement, risk management, credit, finance or administration, we can help you.
We have an established track record over many years of providing high quality and dependable financial viability assessments. With over 1,000 clients and over 350 active government users accessing our services specifically for this purpose, we are a significant provider of financial viability and risk assessments to Government and the private sector throughout Australia. In any given month, we would be involved in the preparation of close to 400 assessments related to tendered contracts and supply panels. Through tenders, we have been appointed to the following contracts:
- NSW Treasury
- NSW State Government Contracts Control Board (WoG Panel Contract)
- Department of Trade and Economic Development South Australia
- Defence Materiel Organisation - DMOSS Panel
- NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal
- Australian Government Department of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency
- Australian Government - Department of Infrastructure & Transport
- The State of Victoria (State Purchase Contract)
- Department of Industry Tourism & Resources – AusIndustry
- Government of WA, Department of Treasury and Finance (WoG Panel Contract)
- Local Buy - Queensland Local Government