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From ASIC searches/data matching through Financial Viability Assessments to Benchmarking, Project Risk & Comprehensive Credit Rating Reports, Corporate Scorecard has the information and analytical services for all your risk management needs.

  1. Credit Ratings
  2. Financial Viability Assessments
  3. Supplier Risk & Integrity Analysis
  4. Online Rating Tools
  5. Project Risk
  6. Supply Market Research
  7. Credit Reporting
  8. Online Services (ASIC, Express Checks)
  9. Data Services

Credit Ratings (AFSL 341391) deliver a critical forward-looking measure that provides vital intelligence for any high risk or politically sensitive venture, credit exposures or commercial contracts. Credit Rating Reports are prepared by specialist Chartered Accountants and include a comprehensive range of risk factors to identify issues that may not be apparent from the financial statements. These reports provide an official Credit Rating that is internationally consistent with other Agency rating grades, and is designed to provide an early warning of financial distress.

Financial Viability Assessments apply to tendering and procurement, credit accounts, licensing and grant applications. A broad range of reports enables clients to get the appropriate level of analysis for the decision they are making. Reports can be ordered, tracked, delivered and archived through our online system.

Supplier Risk & Integrity Analysis - Corporate Scorecard has developed a proactive supplier integrity system. The key objective is to deter procurement personnel or suppliers from entering into probity breaches or corrupt practices.

Online Rating Tools (RAP2) delivered through a centralised web-based system that can be used in house to equip your own internal analysts with an automated scoring engine to derive indicative credit ratings. Providing advanced decision analytics to automate and fast-track the assessment process quickly & reliably, it is designed to integrate with your existing systems.

Project Risk analyses all financial aspects of the project from comprehensive funding analysis, project viability, cash flow projections, contingency planning, identifying gaps and risks in financial or commercial submissions, project costings, financial capacity, and funding sources including contributions for ongoing management after completion.

Supply Market Research - An effective and fast alternative to the EOI process ensuring your shortlist ranks the best candidates. We assist in developing strong specifications and questions for KPI’s and SLA’s. Our documentation and processes meet probity requirements for market testing & our confidentiality and independence means you only need to signal your intentions to the market when you’re ready.

Credit Reporting - Our report range provide a reliable and consistent methodology for setting limits and condition for credit exposures. We also deliver a cost effective assessment on International companies with fast and dependable turn-around times. Our customised solutions can be to integrated with your credit policies and procedures to help minimise bad debts and the associated costs for debt recovery while maximising revenue opportunities and ensuring you set the appropriate credit limits and conditions.

Online Services (ASIC, Express Checks) enable access to ASIC and Business Name Searches/ Court, Default, Insolvency, and Bankruptcy. Data. Property / Title / Asset / Ownership Searches. Bankruptcy and PPS. Express Checks are a unique integrated credit check involving ASIC, public record, defaults & risk score which can instantly integrate property ownership verification and land titles in less than 1 minute.

Data Services provide a range of customised services including customised data matching of your supplier or debtor databases for cleansing, risk scoring and monitoring. Output can be configured to meet very specific client requirements.